Monday, August 1, 2011

Random Card Top 3: #14

Let's get started with the Random Card Rankings once again! I have to say, being able to just click a random button to see a bunch of new cards I have never heard of before is sweet. I feel like I'm learning more and more about the game and it's past with every click. Anyway, here are the next three cards in our vault. We have Blessing, Attrition, and Azorius Aethermage. Let's rate!

#3 Blessing- An enchantment that gives no perks off the bat is horrible. In Blessing's case, it is only semi-bad, because you can tap any amount of white mana you want to put that many +1/+1 counters on the enchanted creatur euntil the end of the turn. So really, this card isn't horrible, where are just so many better options.

#2 Azorious Aethermage- It is a pretty bad draw engine card, when you have to pay 1 mana to draw a card only when something is returned to your hand. I mean, if you have a Reliquary Tower out and a lot of mana when somebody plays Evacuation, then you have yourself a huge card advantage. Otherwise, this card is bad and situational.

#1 Attrition- Probably the best removal card in decks based around sacrificing. It gives you a sacrificial engine and a great way to kill your opponent's creatures. This card really shines in EDH though when you have a commander like Kresh the Bloodbraided or Thraximundar.

You can buy any of these cards for a very, very low price at!

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