Saturday, August 6, 2011

Commander: Golgari General (Green/Black)

Golgari is now the lest of the bi-colored combinations. The generals for black and green were much more common then the Izzet, Simic, or Boros generals. I finally had a large list to choose from, and of course, I go ahead and choose the first general on the list, but it isn't my fault that Glissa, the Traitor happens to be the best of the Golgari generals. My friend runs a Glissa deck, so I know quite a few combos that he uses that works very well with Glissa, but I hate playing against his deck because of all the unfair combos.

First off, Glissa is a 3/3 for 3 mana which is great to start, but that is not all. She is one of the only creatures that starts off with First strike and Deathtouch. That is right, unless she is being blocked by something indestructible, she can't be killed by blocking. In fact, my friend runs a combo where he puts Lure on Glissa and attacks with her, forcing every single creature to block her, leading to a lot of dead creatures and a lot of artifacts coming back to his hand. That is right, Glissa's other ability is whenever an opponent's creature dies, you get to return an artifact card from your graveyard to your hand. So going along with more combos, let's say that one of the artifacts that my friend brings back is Mindslaver. Yeah, with Glissa, you can have an infinite Mindslaver combo. My friends and I have given up more games against his Glissa deck than any other deck before, just because it is incredibly boring when you don't have any turns that are actually your own. In my opinion, Glissa is probably one of the best bi-colored generals you can possibly have. In this deck, make sure you can have artifacts that you can continuously use, and make sure they can put many dents into your opponent as well. A big thing to watch out for with this deck is you will constantly be targeted by your opponents, so don't give up on it if you find yourself in a game where everybody is against you. If you don't like being the public enemy, then Glissa is not a commander for you.

You can buy Glissa, the Traitor and all of the rest of the cards for her deck fr a low, low price at!

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