Monday, July 18, 2011

From the Vault Legends

In a few weeks, the new From the Vault set will be released, and still there has been almost no spoilers for the fifteen cards to be appearing in the set. Right now only a few cards have been released, so I will talk abou tthem for now.

First off, the first one to be spoiled was Teferi, Mage of Zhalfir. Teferi can speed up your game pretty well, as well as horribly slow down your opponents. His first ability is not that great. Not many people will use creature spells as instants. His second ability is why he is a legend. Stopping instants is huge. Nothing can be countered and your opponent's can't kill anything when it is not your turn. That stops your opponents from reacting to anything you do too, which is really nice.

Next up is Kresh, the Bloodbraided. Kresh is one of my personal favorites of all time. His ability can get so out of control, especially in a shard that has to do with sacrificing a lot of things. He might not be the best legend, but he sure is awesome!

Finally, there is Progenitus, which in my opinion, is a no brainer in this set. I mean, Progenitus is the God of Alara. He has Protection from everything. That is crazy! There is barely anything that can affect Progenitus.

That is it for all the cards spoiled so far. There were a few more cards speculated to be in the set due to the release of some banner on the Wizards Website. Here it is:

From left to right, it looks like Sharuum, the Hegemon, Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker, and Rafiq of the Many. Some more awesome cards I would love to see included in this set!

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